Scales of Justice: the Scrolls of Auria Episode 2

Episode 2 – Room Without a View Grimace, Barada and Uchu have accepted a business opportunity with Shingles the Urban Ranger to embark on a little “document procurement”. But things only get stranger after they land on the roof of the Crumpled Tunic. Scales of Justice is a noir trilogy… Continue reading

Scales of Justice: the Scrolls of Auria

Episode 1 – A Night Out Grimace is frustrated with the way things went on his first “mission”. He feels driven to do SOMETHING as he remembers the days before he was a mild-mannered bartender at the Red Lance. The losses of Klaatu’u and Gobbs and Keg are a fresh… Continue reading

The Glass Dagger S01E03 – A Heart in the Right Place

Episode 3, in which the party becomes acquainted with one Heidelberg Bartley and the how’s and why’s of noble kobold betrayal. The Glass Dagger is an audio only, D&D Actual Play set in the City of Splendors – Waterdeep. Join us biweekly on your favoured podcast catcher! The Cast Ashley… Continue reading

The Glass Dagger S01E02 – Theater of the Mind

Hired by a desperate halfling smuggler, the newly minted trio of adventurers are sent deeper into Dock Ward to the establishment of one Bartley Heidelberg, a theater owner and business associate of Linkah Four-fingers. The Glass Dagger is an audio only, D&D Actual Play set in the City of Splendors… Continue reading

The Glass Dagger S01E01 – Smugglers Blues

It’s tough to eek out living in the City of Splendors. Harder still for Linkah Four-fingers as his band of thieves line up to betray him. Those he thought were friends and associates-in-good-standing have started serving other interests without so much as a by your leave. Such things are starting… Continue reading

InnRoads Plays: Summer One-Shots!

InnRoads Plays: Summer One-Shots Ahh, summer.  Sunshine, popsicles and games-games and more games!  InnRoads is stepping into vacation time to give you a 4-part series of games where we open up the table to our beloved fans!   From June to September, we’ll be celebrating our community with a different Role… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Session 4 – Child’s Play

These tears are not for the children… August, 1856 And they’re back! The clues found within the Doyle household point to new theories.. And the tears of the nanny shine new light upon the missing children. ———————- These episodes encompass our fourth session and a long holiday hiatus…and some editing… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Session 3 – The Edna Equation

In the House of Doyle… August, 1856 At the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Doyle, the adventurers begin the investigation into the disappearance of Henrietta and Michael. But along the way, a certain cook becomes a pivot point for more than one of the group. Monsieur Joyeux returns to… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Session 2 | Part 2 – Kensington by Torchlight

A Kensington Evening, Conclusion August, 1856 The adventurers depart the British Museum for the affluent neighborhood of Kensington to call upon Mrs Henry Doyle. But along the way, they find that not all is quiet in the night. A most unwelcome gathering of Bolshevists are between them and their destination…… Continue reading

IRP Victoriana: Interlude | Stage Presence

Joyeux Comes Calling August, 1856 We take a night to look in on Monsieur Joyeux, a complex person of quiet mystery and diverse skills. Joyeux is summoned to a patron’s home where deft hands and quick wits are the order of the evening. Episode One Episode Two   The Cast… Continue reading