Tale #66 — Inhospitable

Y’all had the chance to go somewhere else. I took to social media and asked if folks wanted me to move on from this journey through Genesis story by story. I thought maybe we’d have lost the plot while I was away. But the call rang out that we are still here … so let’s talk about Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is a LOT to talk about here — and that’s just talking about Lot’s literal part, let alone everything else going on here. And yet, if there is nothing else we get out of our time together in this chapter, let us understand a few things.

1)That we most definitely can bring our biases to bear when interpreting Scripture, and that it is important to view each story in its context within its book, testament, and as part of the Bible as a whole to begin seeing things correctly.

2) That it is easier to talk about sins in somebody else’s life that do not and may never be part of ours than it is to deal with the ones that most definitely can and are a part of ours.

and finally,

3) That we are called to love God and love others — for in these is summarized the whole of the law. So let us walk with compassion and a depth of kindness with others as we all seek to draw that much closer to God together.

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One Comment

  1. Beautifully, scripturally, brilliantly, and lovingly stated, Dwarf Bard.

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